World Peace

Saturday, June 18, 2011
Human Road Kill
This morning was the last day of my Cape to Addo tour so we started out around 5 am for our 6 hour drive back to Cape Town. I think I've written previously about the road conditions here and how crazy people drive. Pedestrians are the last of their worries. I'm not exactly sure how to convert kilometers to miles, but the average speed is around 130 kilometers/hour.
This morning we had been driving around half an hour when we came to flashing lights in the road. It was still dark, so we couldn't see much, but the police were guiding traffic around the side of the road and carrying on about their normal business. As we pass, I see something that looked rather large to be an animal laying in the middle of the road. As we get closer and the headlights highlight more of the road, I was able to make out a human leg and body, along with a separate leg over on the side of the road, and a lot of blood.
As a child, I don't think I ever really understood the meaning of 'smashed like a bug'. But, after seeing this man, I can totally understand what it means. The only thing not smashed was his head.
It was really depressing seeing this person, who was obviously homeless (he didn't have shoes or a jacket), smashed in the road without anybody really worrying about it. In the States, the police would at least cover the body or stop traffic from passing and viewing it. But, here it is such a common occurrence that they just motion traffic around and go on about their work.
When asking if it was a common occurance and why people didn't act shocked by it, the guide just laughed and said, "It's a different world here, lady."
Baboon Attack
When arriving in South Africa, I was told to beware of the baboons, who are huge and have been known to attack and kill humans. I didn't think much of the warning, thinking that they only attacked when scared, threatened, or hungry:)
I never thought I would actually run across a baboon while here. But, while on my Cape to Addo tour this past week, I visited Tsitsikamma National Park and had a very close encounter with one of the monkeys!
As we walk across the bridge, the baboon walks away from us and waits on the other side of the bride for us to come across. As we approach the end of the bridge, the baboon still sits, not afraid at all.
At this point, I was more than ready to turn around and let the baboon have his bridge. I didn't want to be in the statistics of the # of people killed by baboon attacks in SA. But, the others in the group chose to go on, and I didn't have much of a choice unless I wanted to be stuck in the forest alone.
I can say that I have never been so scared in my life. This baboon is standing about two feet away as we walk past and completely invade his space. As we walk past, the baboon opens his mouth and growls at us, showing his HUGE teeth. It sounds like something from a movie, and it still doesn't seem real.
I forgot to add that I was carrying a bright orange bag over my shoulders.
Friday, June 10, 2011
'Cause this is Africa
"Hold your bag when you walk down the street and never make eye contact with the mini buses, because this is Africa."
"Take three or four friends with you to the ATM, because this is Africa."
"Never leave your window rolled down while stopped at a red light, because this is Africa."
"Don't take your camera out even if you want a picture, because this is Africa!"
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Beach Walk
Table Mountain is still the most amazing thing to me. In the picture above you can see the 'table cloth' directly above the mountain. This happens almost everyday. Rarely is Table Mountain completely uncovered by clouds. Some days, if you didn't know that Table Mountain existed, you would be completely oblivious to it. The clouds just take it over. Directly beside Table Mountain is Lions' Head.
The awareness of FASD is still very low here in SA. But, the problem is just beginning to be recognized. So, maybe in the near future awareness can be raised for this disorder and more children can be sparred from the effects of it.
How much of a difference can a few volunteers really make? We were talking about this earlier and came to the conclusion that we will not even think about it. Some days it just seems so tough. We make all of these sandwiches and take them to the street people, but then we just leave and all these people are just left without a warm place to sleep and a decent meal or medical care.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Snotty Noses
Snotty noses aren't the only thing that I am tired of....fights are another! Breaking up arguments seems like my life's work, second to wiping noses. I do not understand why one toy can be so darn important. These kids will kill each other over one freakin lego, when there's about 500 other identical legos in the toy box. I just don't get it!
OH! and there's one kid that has decided it's so much fun to bite me. Every morning as soon as he gets a break from fighting the other kids, he waits for a moment when am not looking and bites me. Crazy, crazy kid. I have so many bruises on my legs where he has bitten me. He's worse than a dog, when he bites he just won't let go.
The little boy in the photo below has grown on me. At first, I absolutely HATED him. He would not listen to anything I said and he would head butt me as often as possible. He would try to kill the other kids, and he's autistic so he's pretty capable! But, one day I had some one on one time with him (which is rare), and he won me over! Not to say that he's gotten any better...but he's a pretty cool kid. He still head butts me for fun and tries to kill his friends and the dog, but we sort of have an agreement now.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Peninsula Tour
Penguins at Boulder's Beach:
Friday, June 3, 2011
Street Feeding Experience
Street feeding is where a group of volunteers puts in about 150 Rand a piece (which is about $20) to buy bread, fruit, and such for the homeless. On this particular street feeding, we ended up making about 200 sandwiches, buying about 100 bananas, and 100 oranges. We loaded the car up around 7:30 and went into Cape Town to begin the feeding. On the way in, Ursala was explaining to us what to expect and how thankful the people would be for the food. We were all a bit nervous since there was only seven volunteers going, and she told us that we would be greatly out numbered.
When we got there, Ursala honked several times and people just came running out of different directions and lining up in front of us. It was shocking at first, seeing all of these people who had no place to call home lined up in front of you. I think we all looked at each other with tear-filled eyes at this point. But, we held it together and handed out the food to these unfortunate people. As we handed out the food, the people really wouldn't speak to us much. A few of them said thank you or nodded a bit, but the majority just took the food and went off to eat it. Some of the people even asked why we didn't bring more, or why we didn't bring them soup or tea since it was cold! This was very difficult to respond to, since we were told they would be thankful for anything we gave them. It seemed strange that they should be picky, considering we were giving them the first bit of food they had gotten in days.
Right as we were finishing up handing out food, we heard a ruckus behind us where Ursala was giving out the clothes. Two men had gotten in a fight over the last sweater that Ursala had. The men were literally getting in a fight like you would see on WWF. It was ridiculous! It was a bit scary since we were greatly out numbered by these people and all of them were getting in on the fight. But, someone that drove past saw the fight and called the police, who arrived within minutes. Apparently, there's a new politician in office here in South Africa who is forcing police to be very strict with the street people. So, everyone of the men were lined up under one of the bridges and checked for passports (which none of them had). We left after that, but Ursala said they would either end up in jail or sent back to their home country. It was very disappointing that we had started out hoping to help these people, and we ended up only causing trouble because of a simple sweater. It was very eye-opening to be reminded by these people how much we take for granted. At home, we would never have to argue over a sweater, or fight for food. We also have a home to go to, and a warm blanket to climb under at night. In our circumstances, it's very hard to reason how these people could argue over a sweater, but for them, it is like a million dollars!
The next bridge that we went to was home to a group of about 30 street people who all looked after each other like family. These people had boxes set up with little doors between them, and in each box a husband and wife lived. They also had boxes where sisters and brothers lived. These people were SO nice and thankful for the most part!
There was this lady named Zelda, who is dying of AIDS. She chatted with me and another volunteer for about thirty minutes(which was a great accomplishment considering she could barely speak), telling us about her life and how she ended up on the street. It was a heartbreaking story! She had grown up in a township and had been abused and raped at a young age. So, when she was a teenager, she ran away and had nothing else to do but live as a street person. She is know 66 and still living under a bridge. She is such a nice lady and had so much to tell us about life! It was just heartbreaking that she had no medication for her disease, and she was just SO sick! Telling her bye was the worst! She wanted a picture with us, and she begin to cry in the picture because she realized that it might be the last picture she would ever be in:( She ended by telling me she loved me, and not to forget it! Such a great lady with such a horrible life! I don't know how such terrible things can happen to such great people :(
There was another man who was completely unforgettable. I got to have a conversation with him for about 20 minutes. He mainly wanted to talk about politics, which I'm not great at, but I was able to relate when he asked about America's new president. There was one time where he asked me about some politicians name in America who had moved from South Africa. Of course, I had no clue who he was speaking of! He thought it was crazy that I had access to all of those resources (I suppose he was speaking of the Internet) and I didn't know all these things. (I think I'll definitely be looking them up after that:) He said if he had the chance he would know all of their names. Such a great man! But, all the political talk is not why this guy is sticking in my head. Toward the end of our conversation he begin to talk about his life. He ended up on the streets because he didn't want to be stuck in a drug neighborhood, which he had grew up in. He said that he left when he was twenty because he didn't feel safe walking down the street he had grew up on any longer. Apparently, when he was in his teens the area changed and drug lords took over the area. So, at twenty he had nowhere else to go but the streets. He has now been on the streets for twenty five years and said that he felt like it was the only place he could go. If he went back to live with his family, he said he would feel unsafe (which is a lot to say if you would prefer the streets) and he really didn't want to go back. But, the saddest part of the whole chat was when he started talking about death. Apparently he too is dying of a condition which he chose not to name. He told me that he didn't really fear dying, because he really had nothing much to live for anyway. He said that he didn't want a funeral, he just wanted to be thrown into a hole. His reason was because he had came into this world with nothing and he wanted to go out with nothing. As he was telling me this, tears filled his eyes. I kept wondering if it was the talk of death, the reality of dying, or the reminiscing of his life that brought him to tears. All of it was enough to upset me.
How can some people be so unfortunate in life? Sometimes circumstances that can't be helped at all, like which family you are born into, control your life and tape you to a poor way of life. Zelda and this man are both examples of unforgettably great people that have been faced with terrible challenges in life. They both left us with a hug and told us never to forget that they loved us and that God would bless us forever so we didn't have to live the same life that they had.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Declining Patience
Everyday is different. Some are good, some are trying, and some are just completely exhausting! I am now scared to say that I have a technique down that works with the kids, because as soon as I do, they prove me wrong (what a child-like thing to do). But, I can see the difference that can be made in these kid's lives by my effort and patience with this project! So, it will all be worth it in the end! ~
Monday, May 30, 2011
Success with the Kids
After that one incident (which nearly terrified me), things flowed smoothly the remainder of the afternoon. I am happy to report that I came out of my first day alone with only a scratch, bite, smack in the head, and one nice kick. Believe it or not, that is a good day!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
More on Culture
The white population is still somewhat thought of as the ruling class. After apartheid when many white non-native people stayed around to claim land and such, the blacks were kicked off their land and treated as slaves. Since this happened in the recent past, hard feelings still stick around.

Overall, hateful attitudes remain among many of the different groups in South Africa.
Poverty: poverty is a huge problem among South Africans. Especially the township people, who make up about 70% of the entire South African population. The townships people live either on the street, or if they are lucky enough they get the opportunity to pay 20 Rand a month to live in government housing. Government housing is a new option for the township people. The system works by providing each family with one bed. And there are 4 beds per room, and about 4 rooms per apartment. So, about 16 families live in one apartment. However, these families are so thankful for any housing, even if it is shared with numerous other people.

Language: Cape Town is filled with languages. Locals generally are at least bilingual. There are about eight common tribal languages in South Africa, and then there's English, Afrikaans, German, and Russian. Then, when you add the tourists into the mix, you have just about any language you can think of. Walking down the streets is amazing. You hear so many different languages.
Religion: Most South African are Christians. They hold Sunday as their day of worship. Alcohol sales are prohibited and everything on their days of worship. You see the strongest beliefs in the townships areas. Even though these people have nothing, they still have faith in God and believe that he can help them overcome all of their problems.
Another majority religion in South Africa is Muslim. There is even a street in Cape Town devoted to Muslim places of worship, eateries, ans shops. Other religions and tourists are not welcome on this street.
Food: You can get any foods you please in Cape Town. They are very similar to Western countries, in that they have just about anything you want. In the city, you can find Chinese, Turkish, Mexican, and American restaurants, along with any other types of foods you could possibly want. Vegetarians can easily survive in Cape Town. Meat is a common meal, but meat substitutes are also available. Restaurants usually even have veggie burgers and fake chicken and sandwich meat.
Overall, Cape Town is very similar to Western style countries in terms of culture. The big difference is the townships, poverty, and arts and crafts.
I will be making a visit to a township in a couple weeks and will learn more then. That's all for now!
Friday, May 27, 2011
Culture of Cape Town
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
First Days at Home of Hope
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
More on arrival and first impressions..
A note on Cape Town:
So far, I have been into the City Centre, the market, the orphanage, and the cinema. My first impressions are that Cape Town is a beautiful city, but it is over taken by crime and overall hate of Americans. It's really funny how the people respond to my accent versus how they respond to the Brittish and other European accents. I would never dare walk down the street by myself, or get into a mini bus or taxi. I'm very thankful for the group that I am with. I am also trying to copy the Brittish accent so that I can pass as one while I am here. :) IT would help me out a lot!
The AVIVA house where all the volunteers live is in Table View, which is about a 25 minute bus ride from the City Center. The bus that takes you between Table View and the City center is apparently brand new, and it is a fairly safe center filled with security gaurds and such (except for Americans, and even the security guards hate us). But, anyways, on the bus ride we get to pass through a lot of the rougher areas of Cape Town and get to see the 'real' Africa. It is just like you see in pictures, except much more real and much more depressing. Before, I thought the bums in Birmingham were sad, but these bums do not even relate to those. There are about 100 of them under one bridge. And they have acres of land beside the bridges that are covered in trash, clothes, and maybe even bodies, who knows.
But, Cape Town is the perfect place to experience a bit of African culture, see how real Africans live, and still survive through it all (if your smart, and not American). I am defintely getting a good taste of South African culture and I'm not exaclty sure how I feel of it, yet. I'm also learning ot speak with a great fake Brittish accent:)
Monday, May 23, 2011
Arrival in Cape Town, Oh, and some penguins
Thursday, May 19, 2011
The Adventure

To be even more specific, the Table View region of Cape Town.

Table View is home to Table Mountain, which is known world wide for its flat top and endangered flora and fauna. Common activities at Table Mountain National Park include the cable car ride, hiking, rock climbing, and caving.

Table View is also known for its awesome beaches, which are filled with penguins.

It is also known for the great African wildlife that fill its land like buffalo, elephants, leopards, lions, rhinos, penguins, and many endangered species.


Despite all the great activities, beautiful beaches, and unique wildlife that Cape Town provides, it also has a darker, more depressing side. Many South African locals are living in immense poverty and are faced with terrible living conditions and an out of control HIV epidemic that continues to grow. According to the Southern African Regional Poverty Network, 57% of the South African population is below poverty level,which has remained the same since 1996, and the gap between rich and poor is continuing to grow.
Because of their poor conditions, many South Africans are left unable to care for themselves or their children. These conditions lead to many orphaned children in the area. Many of these children have HIV, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, and many other disorders due to the lack of needs, education, and nutrition in the villages.

The reason that I am traveling all the way to South Africa is not to see the beaches, experience the nightlife, or to see the wildlife. I am going to volunteer 9 weeks in an orphanage and special needs school for children of the desperately poor township regions of Cape Town. (Even though I might be a little excited about the other stuff, too.) The orphanage that I will be at is called Home of Hope:

After the 9 weeks in the orphanage, I will be partaking in a week long Cape to Addo park safari. My itinerary:
17 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 1
Day 1 - Departing Cape Town at around 8:30am, our exciting journey begins as we join the world famous whale route in Gordons Bay for a stunning drive along the picturesque R44 mountain pass overlooking False Bay to the vibrant coastal town of Hermanus. After an opportunity to take some photographs and a picnic lunch on the seafront, we continue to Birkenhead Brewery to sample some fine beers before moving on to the southernmost tip of Africa in Cape Agulhas National Park. After a visit to the lookout point we make our way to the harbour where there is an option to embark on an exciting ski-boat cruise to search for dolphin and whales (June to November). After our cruise we take a walk back to our accommodation along 'Die Plaat', the longest beach in the Southern Hemisphere. This day is designed to be a relaxing one for you to get to know your fellow travellers, to get used to travelling in our vehicle and to settle into the comfortable routine of life on tour. , Included Activities: Beer tasting at Birkenhead Brewery, Optional Activities: Shark cage diving, Ski-boat cruise (possible whale viewing June - Nov).

18 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 2
Day 2 - Driving inland this morning our journey takes us north through rolling wheat fields to the Langeberg Mountains and on to the pristine semi-desert environment of the Little Karoo. Shortly after Barrydale on Route 62, we stop at Warmwaterberg Spa for lunch and a relaxing swim in 43-degree natural hot springs. In the afternoon we drive through Ladismith and Carlitzdorp to the capital of the Little Karoo, Oudtshoorn. Known as the ostrich capital of the world, Oudtshoorn is situated in a beautiful valley between the Outeniqua and Swartberg Mountains. Here there is an option to view and ride one of these prehistoric birds on a working farm or go on a guided tour of the Cango Endangered Wildlife Ranch for an opportunity to pet cheetah, cage dive with crocodiles and view many rare and endangered animal species. , Included Activities: Entrance to Warmwaterberg Hot Springs Optional Activities: Cango Ostrich Farm, Cango Endangered Wildlife Ranch, Pet a hand raised cheetah (including photos), Cage diving with crocodiles


19 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 3
Day 3 - We begin the day with a short 20km drive to the magnificent Cango Caves. Here we'll embark on a 1-hour guided tour of the cave system to view its massive caverns and a wonderland of stalactite and stalagmite formations, millions of years old. Cango Caves is a world heritage site and one of the great wonders of the natural world. After our visit to the caves, we leave the Karoo and travel 60km to the coast through the magnificent Outeniqua Pass. Entering the Garden Route for the first time in George and take a leisurely drive up the coast to Knysna, rated South Africa's most beautiful town. Here we'll take a walk to the entrance of the lagoon to explore the captivating scenery surrounding the famous Knysna Heads. In the afternoon we drive to the highest road bridge in Africa at Bloukrans Bridge. At a height of 216m this is also the site of the highest bungy jump in the world! For those wishing to take the leap, this is your opportunity! Included Activities: Standard or adventure guided tour of Cango Caves, Optional Activities: Bloukrans bungy jump (216m), Bloukrans bridge walking tour


20 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 4
Day 4 - This morning you have the opportunity to explore the Tsitsikamma National Park, either via a hike across the suspension bridge at Storms River Mouth or by means backwater tubing. Tubing is a unique, four hour fun adventure, filled with splashing, swimming, rock jumping, kloofing and hiking (seasonal). The National Park, declared in 1964, encompasses a marine reserve made up of 80km of coastline and offers magnificent scenery. Approximately 30% of the park is covered in fynbos, scattered amongst the forest vegetation, boasting a wide variety of beautiful flowers, including proteas and heath. Many species of forest, fynbos and sea birds are present. We stop off at the fun waterfall zipline at Tsitsikamma Falls Adventures. This "foefieslide" tour takes you on 8 cable rides over the Kruis River and down a ravine over three waterfalls. Afterwards we make our way inland towards Addo and our accommodation for the night, in the Sundays River Valley. Set in a wild and scenic location on the banks of the Sundays River, we take the time to relax under the African sun as well as explore the river by canoe. Around the campfire tonight, this is what you've come to experience... Wild Africa at her enigmatic best! Included Activities: Canoeing on Sundays River, Optional Activities: Entrance to Tsitsikamma National Park, Tsitsikamma Blackwater Tubing, Tsitsikamma Falls Zipline.

21 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 5
Day 5 - Up early this morning, we begin our Addo Park Safari along a network of winding roads stopping regularly for photographs and information on the animals we encounter along the way. On our game drive we'll also disembark from our vehicle at the main lookout point for a spectacular view over the evergreen wilderness that is Addo. After our game drive we'll take lunch at the park restaurant before a leisurely drive down to the coast and Port Elizabeth. Proclaimed a National Park in 1931, this malaria free, 145 000 ha. Park, extends all the way down to the Indian Ocean and is home to the densest African Elephant population on earth, totalling over 500 elephant. Addo Park is also famous for being the only park in Africa playing host to the Big 7 i.e. Elephant, rhino, lion, buffalo, leopard, the Southern Right Whale and the Great White Shark. A major sea port and tourist destination, Port Elizabeth is set along the beautiful shores of Algoa Bay and is fondly referred to as the Friendly City. We then head for the pristine beaches of Jeffrey's Bay! Renowned the world over as one of the best surfing waves on the planet, we'll take time out to view the waves at 'supertubes' before exploring the town and visiting the ever-popular surf wear factory shops i.e.: Billabong, Rip Curl, Roxy, Quicksilver and more. You have to chance to rent a board to experience the waves for yourself or do a surf lesson. Included Activities: Entrance fee and 3 hour game drive in Addo National Park, Optional Activities: 2 Hour game drive with 4x4 vehicle in Addo National Park, Surfboard & wetsuit rental, 2 Hour surfing lesson, 2 Hour beach horse ride.

22 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 6
Day 6 - This morning we begin our relaxing journey back to Cape Town with our first stop for the day at the Crags Orphaned Elephant Sanctuary for a truly wonderful close encounter experience. Here you have an opportunity to walk, feed and ride an African elephant while receiving instruction from a knowledgeable African guide. After the Sanctuary we continue down the Garden Route, stopping occasionally to take in anything we may have missed on our way up. We arrive at our accommodation overlooking the sea at Myoli Beach in Sedgefield. Situated right on the beach and close to the Swartvlei Lagoon, here are loads of water sports and other activities to partake in for the remainder of the afternoon before a delicious dinner. Optional Activities: Elephant walking and feeding, Monkeyland, Paragliding, Kite/Wakeboarding lessons, Various board rentals at Myoli Beach.

23 Jul 2011 Cape to Addo Tour - Day 7
Day 7 - After breakfast below the ocean in Sidgefield, we start our journey back to Cape Town. We visit an Aloe factory in Albertinia and enjoy a wonderful scenic drive via Swellendam and Sir Lowry's Pass. We arrive in Cape Town early Saturday afternoon.

Needless to say, I am super excited about this summer experience (technically its a winter experience in South Africa, but winters there are filled with moderate temperatures, with a low around 50 at nights, and a high around 70 in the days.)I can't wait to see what this experience has to offer!!! My accommodation has wifi, so I should be able to keep the blog updated every few days or so. Stay tuned for updates!
